



♬ Jaws Theme – Jaws

拍攝者抖音帳號”toms_son”在自家附近的排水溝發現這輛 Ford Edge,開始和車主有一些對話:


拍攝者:Are you that drunk? How much have you had to drink? 哥你茫了嗎,你究竟喝了多少

車主:I have a flat tire. I have no idea where I’m going, I’m so sorry. 我爆胎了,我不知要去哪,金拍謝

拍攝者:Are you that drunk? How much have you had to drink? 哥你茫了嗎,你究竟喝了多少(問第二次)

車主:Not Enough! 還不夠

拍攝者:Is somebody looking for you because the police where just here driving up and down the road and I’m wondering if they’re looking for you 有人在找你嗎?剛有警車在附近開來開去,我想知道條子是在找你嗎

車主:I’ve got a flat tire on the right side and I’m just trying to get out 我就右前輪爆胎啊,拚老命要想脫困啊

雖然是醉話連篇,卻也證明這位dude  喝多了 !經典的來了,車主聲稱他是被GPS 帶到這個水溝,然後被酸是在演那一齣?影集 The Office 橋段嗎?就下面這一段




For everyone wondering…the driver was arrested for a DUI. He is a good guy that made a bad mistake like all of us. He asked we pray for his sobriety

♬ original sound – toms_son

這個喝茫的Dude 一開始就是在跑給警察追,結果自己身陷冏境,最終還是以酒駕罪名被捕!


              YouTube/ The Office






順序應該是這樣 小編-->老編-->亂編-->死編!